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Legal status

Our Institute is recognized through legitimate ground

Our Institute has a 10 years – experience supported by legal advisors and many other assistants. We have followed all procedures connected with legal requirements for the set up and recognition of our Institute.

There is no short cut. Everything needs to be legal and perfect in the right direction to fulfill the requirements of establishing the company. Our Institute has obtained all the permissions from the Polish government and authorities to carry out its activities in the field of traditional Tibetan medical system.

According to law we operate within three categories are needed:

1) acceptance and permission for the Institute of Traditional Tibetan Medicine Co.Ltd.,

2) healthcare services by a specialist in Tibetan medicine and traditional herbal treatment, and

3) sale of our registered high quality Tibetan mixture diet supplements.

Our Institute is devoted to promotion and contribution of Tibetan medicine as a new holistic approach to healthcare based on equality and high standards of clinical service, in accordance to Polish and European standards.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Central Tibetan Administration has great expectation from Tibetan Medical and Astro Institute with its main seat in India. As a former student from TMAI, today here in Poland, I also have that liability. The above legal permission and support from the Government brings our Institute new opportunities to develop and innovate Traditional Tibetan Medical System.

With the support from the Tibetan Medical and Astro Institute and my great teacher, dr Ven. Yeshi Dhonden, the former personal physician of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and with their blessing I managed to complete successfully all steps necessary for the operation of the Institute.

I have a great honor and privilege to co- operate with great and famous Tibetan doctor TASHI YANGPHEL, the Director of Tashigang Herbal Centre, India. Our cooperation is of more than 20 years of friendship.

On July 28, 2009 His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama— the head of state and spiritual leader of the Tibetan people, laureate of both the Noble Peace Prize in 1989 and the USA Congressional Gold Medal in 2007— opened our Traditional Tibetan Herbal Healthcare Clinic for the benefit of the people in Poland, Europe and the world at large. We are very happy that the methods of the traditional Tibetan medical system are now available in Poland.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama advices that Tibetan doctors should always have altruistic mind with human touch to cure the patients more effectively.

Our Institute’s best wish is that His Holiness the Dalai Lama lives very long and Poland will become a great land of Europe.

Copyright 2025 | Institute of Traditional Tibetan Medicine Co. Ltd.