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The work of the Institute of Traditional Tibetan Medicine  is dedicated to our Tibetan leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who in 1989 was awarded the Noble Peace Prize, in honour and recognition of His visionary leadership, His commitment to Tibet and to the world. His Holiness works tirelessly on behalf of the Tibetan people, traveling the world to speak about three major commitments: promotion of basic human values, or secular ethics in the interest of human happiness, fostering of interreligious harmony and preservation of Tibet’s Buddhist culture of peace and non-violence. These subjects are covered by Buddhist science and philosophy.


His Holiness is one of the great world leaders of our time; a figure of impregnable moral authority who is beloved and respected in all walks of life including by heads of state, religious leaders, Noble Prize winners, scientists, scholars, philosophers and ordinary people of good will.


The impact and influence of His Holiness are profound as He continues to inspire and educate humanity.





The Statement of the Institute Of Traditional Tibetan Medicine Co. Ltd


On the occasion of the 12th anniversary of opening the Tibetan Medicine Professional Institute in Poland with the permission and blessing of His Holiness the Dalai Lama


Traditional Tibetan Medical System (TTMS), one of the five major studies of Tibet, is an old culture with a long history. Even today this traditional medical system benefits a large number of human beings.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama graced TTMS with strong support as this traditional medical system plays an important role in reviving Tibetan culture of healthcare, Sowa Rigpa (the ‘science of healing’). Its knowledge, skills, methods and practices are based on the Tibetan  medical text books and theories, works and experiences, causes and conditions, effects and results. It is employed for proper maintenance of a sound health through education, support proper diet, cooking, behaviour and care for the patients. It also works in prevention, diagnosis, improvement and treatment of physical and mental illnesses.

Most of the ingredients used in the Tibetan pharmacopoeia are natural herbs, fruits, flowers, seeds, medicinal plants and minerals. The knowledge of identifying and using these herbs is passed on by experienced medical teachers and Tibetan doctors through practical training. However, these days it is becoming difficult to identify and procure the required herbs correctly. More and more people have begun to show special interest in these natural herbs. At the same time, the European Union (EU) is formulating policies imposing many restrictions on the use of natural herbs.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s great compassion and his pure wisdom hugely contribute to the western world by creating awareness and understanding of TTMS. It is a very important branch of healthcare systems of the world. It has huge signifincance  in relation to survival of a nation and preservation and promotion of its unique identities.

TTMS is a legacy of His Holiness the Dalai Lama who is a significant contributor and protector of Tibetan Medicine. Due to His kindness and compassionate care, the Polish government and local authorities accepted and supported the right of people’s interest and their demands. The EU law and regulation recognises the European Medical system and Traditional Medical system, but it has different compliance parameters. Certificates are needed for traditional medicine practices from European Union in compliance with law and regulation for acceptance of the standards and qualities.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama has provided us with a vision and the power to influence our future. Therefore, the Institute of Traditional Tibetan Medicine Co. Ltd is accepted and supported by people’s determination. It is directly related to the interest of health issue and human strength of mind and emotions.  Each of us brings a unique perspective and makes invaluable contribution to the important task of preserving and promoting TTMS.


Importance of Emphasizing the Equality of all People as Part of Humanity

Each individual physician’s future entirely depends on the rest of humanity. So, for our own self-interest, we have to think seriously about patient’s care.

Everybody wants a happy life, no one wants suffering, and everyone has every right to achieve that. There is no difference whether one is a believer or a non-believer. Whatever social background we may come from; rich or poor, educated or uneducated, from a royal family or a beggar, we all have the right to be happy. Tibetan doctor or Western Medical doctor – we are all the same human beings on that level. We all have the same rights.

With many problems that we, humanity as a whole, are facing, we place too much emphasis on differences of secondary level. If we alter our perception and think positively on the fundamental level that we are all the same human brothers and sisters, there will be no basis for hatred, no basis to cheat each other or to look down on each other. We are all the same. So, we really need to clearly realize that we are all equal.

A future happier humanity is in everybody’s interest and it is also everybody’s responsibility. No matter how many great hospitals and clinics, institutes or centers we build, there will be always a need of extra support and facilities.

TTMS or Sowa Rigpa (the ‘science of healing’) is practiced in Asia, where we are quite advanced in that particular field. Under the leadership and blessing of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, our institute has managed to acquire complete legal recognition and permissions to set up and function successfully.

Thanks to the freedom of expression and power of law and regulations in EU, I was granted European citizenship. Therefore, we the Tibetan citizens of EU and also practitioners of Tibetan Medicine can fulfil wishes of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama has great interest in the close relationship between Eastern traditional medical systems and Western medical systems.

Ultimate objective of a Tibetan doctor, as a human being, is to work tirelessly in providing  compassionate care and remedy, thus, building on the tradition of better care and better results, happier human society and brighter future.

Now there is a possibility of a real dialogue and intelligent exchange of medical and clinical experience between Eastern traditions and Western traditions for the benefit of the world and for patients as well as for own our being as individuals.

Therefore, we should use the human intelligence, wisdom and proper motivation to reach medical education to help the patient care involving the best ways to respect each other by developing mutual understanding. That would help to dispel misunderstandings, mistrust and misleading. This in turn will result in finding the best solutions. Please visit our institute, we can exchange the various fields of medical experiences and share the knowledge and wisdom.

If you need more information, please visit:

Tibetan Medical and Astro Institute
Mind and Life Institute

Copyright 2025 | Institute of Traditional Tibetan Medicine Co. Ltd.