The Three Principal Disorders of Vital Energy and Their Diseases
Today, many problems arise from a lack of peace of mind and a lack of direction in life, wrong diet, or busy lifestyle. The abilities of the traditional Tibetan medical system to diagnose and treat ailments are legendary. The traditional Tibetan medical system is a holistic and scientific approach aimed at maintaining the harmonious functioning and balance of all energies that form physical and psychological aspects of each human being. Often, maintaining emotional balance, positive thinking, right diet and lifestyle, engaging in meditation, receiving support from friends and spiritual guidance, as well as using traditional Tibetan herbal dietary supplements are the most effective ways of normalizing disturbances of body and mind.
1. Lung disorders (emotional disorders) include lack of the sense of compassion, kindness, guidance, moral responsibility, inner value, respect, duty, self-confidence; or excess of stress, tension, fear, jealousy, desire, attachment, lust, wrong views, negative thoughts, bad influences, wrong opinion, and psychological addictions that can remain invisible to Western medical diagnostic methods. In spite of this, they are serious causes of physical and mental disorders. The traditional Tibetan medical system recognizes their importance and treats them with herbal dietary supplements in order to normalize patients’ emotional and physical functioning. These emotional disorders are inseparable from human nature; they have accompanied us for thousands of years, and to balance them we do not always need cutting-edge modern medicine.
Psychological signs and symptoms of the disturbed wind disorder
- Desire for roaming
- Becoming talkative
- Unstable mind and mood
- Desire to stretch
- Mental nervousness
- Being anxious
- Becoming emotionally sensitive
- Psychological feeling of coldness
- Fear and insecurity
- Nightmares or shifting dreams
- Light sleep or insomnia
- Tendency to think negatively
Physical symptoms
- Strong breathing
- Vertigo
- Sounds in the ear
- Shooting pains
- Neck and shoulder ache
- Frequent yawns
- Producing gas and sounds in the abdomen
- Pain in the bones
- Trembling
- Dry skin, dark and sensitive
- Brittle hair and nails
- Pains in lower back (Lumber sacral area) and all joints
- Pains start in all parts of the body when in movement
- Semi-paralysis, or stiffening of the muscles
- Pains in occipital
- Empty vomiting
- Dry coughs early in the morning
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Feelings of coldness
The symptoms manifest more during the rainy season, early evening, early morning and with an empty stomach.
Emotional disorders are the root causes of many health problems because they strongly disturb both the heating and cooling systems of the body. If left untreated, they may eventually develop into acute infections, then chronic problems and finally may even lead to cancer. Different disturbances can give similar symptoms. However, they require different approaches and treatments. Because of this, a physician must be calm and emotionally balanced and he must have very good diagnostic skills and high clinical experience in order to help his patients by means of appropriate herbal supplements and dietary advice.
Emotional problems are very complex and can be dangerous. They may almost completely destroy human health, happiness, and emotional balance. Therefore, it is very important to manage and control the true essence of mental states with perfect knowledge. Our mental disturbances mainly result from ignorance, attachment, hatred and delusion. These disorders may develop at any moment. Under unfavorable circumstances, we are likely to react with strong emotions, which could cause us immense suffering and hardship. Even though human beings are intelligent enough to find the right solution or remedy to make our lives better, we need more education about health and the nature of emotions to understand the essence of the balance between the five principal elements. A lack of health education and care will cause us to suffer and lead to a premature death. We can find many good ways of maintaining health and emotional balance on the internet or in publications. However, their practical application can be difficult to fathom, for we need practical experience. Apart from resorting to the aforementioned sources, we can also talk to our friends and find solutions through exchange of experiences. And we can always look for help in modern clinics and hospitals.
2. Heat disorders (Tri-pa)
Psychological signs and symptoms
- Psychological heaviness and fatigue
- Short temper, anger, hatred, pride, nervousness
- Sour and bitter taste in the mouth
- Lack of appetite and nausea
- Tension and pain mainly in the upper part of the body
- Malodor from the body
- Face and urine becomes yellowish or reddish and thick
- Increased grease in face and hair
- Stomach pain and intestine inflammation
- Sensitive, easily burnt skin
- Food intolerance; difficulty in digestion of fatty, oily and greasy food and drinks
- Concentration problems, memory loss
- Lack of strength, drowsiness, some types of depression
- High blood pressure, fever, inflammation of glands
- Heart attacks, strokes, breathing problems
- Erection problems, premature and delayed ejaculation, infertility
- Multiple sclerosis, paralysis, epilepsy
- Sense organ disorders, eye problems
- Hay fever, allergies, chronic hoarse voice
- Dry asthma, dry cough, dry mouth, dry red or yellow eyes, dry skin, yellow skin, yellow nails
- Insomnia, hyperactivity
- Strong migraines, sinusitis
- Strong tension in upper arms
- Hemorrhoids
- Bleeding, atherosclerosis, inflammation of lymph nodes and lymph vessels
- Thyroid hypo- and hyper activity
- Stomach ulcer, Helicobacter pylori infection
- Heartburn, halitosis
- Hepatitis, HIV infection
- Vulnerability to bacterial infections, mycosis
- Nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, loss of weight, loss of physical strength
- Irritable bowels, stomach pains
- Constipation
- Hair loss
- Acne, dry skin, itching, rashes, psoriasis
- Blood disorders, circulation disorders, varicose veins
- Excessive sweating
- Osteoporosis, gout, hot arthritis
- Diabetes, pancreas disorders,
- Liver and gall bladder disorders
- Excessive digestive heat
- Loss of appetite
- Spleen disorders
- Bacterial kidney infections
- Thyroid diseases
- Gynecological problems (vaginal discharge, tumors, cysts and erosion in uterus, amenorrhea, breast cancer, premature menopause, menopause symptoms)
- Pregnancy problems
- All kinds of tumors and cancer, and high levels of cancer markers in blood
- Suicide attempts resulting from anger, hatred, and lack of control over one’s life
These all come from excessive heating of internal organs and lead to various types of infections. The above symptoms worsen in summer and autumn, at midday and midnight, with the feeling of weakness during food digestion.
3. Cold disorders or phlegm (Bad- kan)
Psychological signs and symptoms of the phlegm disorder
- Psychological slowness and weakness
- Confusion and conflict in the mind
- Physical and mental heaviness
- Diminished memory
- Loss of interest in work
- Postponement of work
Physical signs and symptoms
- Diminished taste and memory
- Obesity
- Loss of color in tongue, gums, lips
- Increased mucus and saliva
- Vertigo
- Palpitation when climbing stairs
- Poor appetite
- Belching and gas formation in the stomach
- Low temperature
- Slow digestion
- Pains in the kidney area and lower back
- Swollen body (water retention)
- Increased gland excretion
- Vomiting or diarrhea of undigested food
- Heavy sleeping
- Exhaustion
- Itchiness
- Stiff or painful joints
- Slowness in working
- Dreams of sinking in water, feeling cold or swimming
- All symptoms worsen in winter (rainy season) and spring, on late evenings and late
- mornings and just after eating
- Kidney problems and problems with urination
- Loss of body heat
- Kidney and gall bladder stones
- Glaucoma
- Cold lung disorders, e.g., tumors
- Cold sinusitis
- Wet cough
- Periodontitis
- Swelling of the body, weak digestive heat
- Prostate problems, infertility
- Indigestion, constipation, weak digestive system, cold diarrhea
- Weight increase
- Runny nose
- Lower back pain
- Diminished sexual drive
- Cold arthritis
- Pale complexion
- Excessive accumulation of saliva and sputum in the mouth and throat
- Heavy legs, walking difficulties
- Bronchitis, heavy breathing
- Laziness, drowsiness
- Dizziness, buzzing in the ears
- Excessive gases
- Poor appetite
- Hardening of tissues
- Vomiting, sweet and salty taste in mouth
- Thick coat on tongue
- Cold hands and feet
- Some skin disorders
- Weak blood circulation
- Weak ligaments
- Cold liver problems, cold gall bladder and cold spleen problems
- Dysfunction of internal organs caused by too much cold
- Different kinds of tumors and cancer
- Pregnancy problems resulting from cold
- Female problems (pain in the lower abdomen, vaginal discharges)
- Worsening symptoms in damp humid weather
These symptoms result mostly from excessive cold in internal organs and lead to various types of infections. Usually people have mixed problems, which come from emotional disorders, excessive heat in some organs, and excessive cold in others. That is why Tibetan physicians need perfect clinical experience and a deep understanding of the interdependent functioning of body organs. It is very easy to cure problems stemming from excessive cold, heat, or emotional imbalance in their early stage. However, if they are neglected, simple ailments can become infectious inflammations, which may then become chronic problems, which in turn may even develop into cancer. The traditional Tibetan medical system’s technique includes herbal dietary supplements, lifestyle advice on effective ways to normalize body temperature and restore inner balance.
The Medicine Buddha prophesized that in the period of degeneration, human beings would develop various types of environmental pollutions, including chemical waste and toxic substances, resulting in different types of disorders called the 18 malignant, or critical disorders. These 18 malignant disorders cannot be cured by any physicians or any kind of medicine.
In emergency cases, for example accidents, Western medicine can achieve miraculous effects by means of surgery. In the case of common long-term diseases, seasonal disorders, problems related to aging, problems stemming from wrong diet and conduct and chronic problems, the traditional Tibetan medical system can be a very good and useful addition to Western methods. In the near future, these two approaches could work together for the benefit of humanity. Western medicine and the traditional Tibetan medical system use different ways to achieve the same goal, to restore the health of patients.