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How to live an intelligent life?


  1. Provide healthcare service based on the traditional Tibetan medical system.
  2. Provide training and healthcare programs in proper diet, philosophy of health and inner peace, hygienic advice, disease prevention, Medicine Buddha meditation, Tibetan medicine, art of life, art of cooking, and openness to health initiatives.
  3. Host exhibitions and performances of Tibetan culture, Buddhist science and philosophy.
  4. Host conferences, seminars and symposiums with experts from Eastern and Western traditions, promote dialogue to improve the quality of healthcare.
  5. Give practical guidance and education about healthy lifestyles.
  6. Promote the traditional Tibetan medical system, including providing information on disease-prevention methods, dietary issues, traditional Tibetan herbal dietary supplements, and Tibetan cosmetics.
  7. Employ qualified and experienced consultants and import high-quality dietary supplements from authentic Tibetan pharmacies.
  8. Participate in international health conferences.
  9. Prevent diseases through lectures and Q&A sessions.
  10. Organize Buddhist teachings, Medicine Buddha’s Prayer chants and cultural exchanges.
  11. Introducing traditional Tibetan medical system to Polish doctors and authorities to build close friendship and mutual understanding.

Our goal is to introduce the ancient wisdom and knowledge of the Tibetan healthcare heritage to the West. Its main purpose is to relieve illness and emotional distress. For those who wish to study the traditional Tibetan medical system, the first recommendation is to learn the Tibetan language. It will give one access to the vast literature and its knowledge and will deepen and speed up the learning process. Our wish is to provide Westerners with information about the traditional Tibetan medical system. We heartily welcome you to our Institute of Traditional Tibetan Medicine.

Copyright 2025 | Institute of Traditional Tibetan Medicine Co. Ltd.