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According to the Traditional Tibetan Medical System, greater well being and happiness is cultivated through a state of mind that nourishes emotional health, physical comfort and positive thinking. These qualities provide the immense benefit of inner peace and harmonious life. Therefore, if our minds and attendant emotions are in bad condition, possessing IGNORANCE such as hatred, attachment, delusion, confusion and agitation can affect overall health. The Traditional Tibetan Medical System is extremely helpful in the implementation and maintenance of proper diet, health care, hygiene, positive thought, healthy lifestyles, disease prevention/treatment, calming the mind and inner peace. All these qualities are very important, but initiative must start with the individual.


The Traditional Tibetan Medical System is a unique science, a vein of ancient Tibetan knowledge and wisdom that teaches about creating permanent good health, including the preservation of healthy practices, development of positive thinking as a form of moral correspondence, and the responsibility of building inner strength and self-discipline. The mind produces emotions that are too often congested with complicated solutions. The main cause of disease comes from destructive thought and emotional disorders. Dealing with mental and emotional problems can be difficult. Therefore, the goal is to work out practical solutions that stop negative ways of thinking and maintain health through balance.


The human mind and our emotions can shape powerful, negative modes of thought, which, in turn, can produce so many problems in life.

It is necessary to establish a healthy routine because modern civilization focuses on business success, material accumulation of goods and consumerism which often work at cross purposes with a healthy life. In such an environment, the traditional values of happy family life and relationships built on mutual understanding can seem obsolete and eccentric.

The challenge is how to structure human development to reflect the Tibetan wisdom of balance and interdependence. These interdependent relationships can be witnessed on a cosmic scale by way of the Universe and our planet Earth, in human societies and in the physiology of every living being. It is vitally important to approach life in an intelligent way, knowing what can be done to improve it, and what values should be cultivated and cherished. Human life is precious; we should do our best to use it for the development of inner potential and cultivating healthy lifestyles in order to enjoy a long life that can be beneficial to others.

The Traditional Tibetan Medical System is holistic, focusing on connective relationships which encourage integration of the human body, mind and emotions for overall good health.

The Traditional Tibetan Medical System is a trusted network that educates patients on traditional Tibetan medical methods while giving health and life guidance, be it finding better solutions to emotional disorders, or providing full treatments with whole care to the patients. The protection and advancement of these health practices are an ethical duty of each Tibetan physician.

The Traditional Tibetan Medical system honors the close relationship between the mental and physical health of it’s patients.


On December 23, 2007, in a ceremony presided over by Governor Jacek Kozlowski from the Mayor’s office of Warsaw, Poland, Dr Ven TENZIN JANGCHUB, became the first Tibetan Monk and Tibetan Medical Doctor to be granted Polish citizenship. Dr. Jangchub recieved wide media coverage on Polish TV and elsewhere for being a model citizen whose good work over many years helped thousands of Polish people, primarily through his effective use of TIBETAN MEDICINE in treating patients from all walks of life.


His Holiness the Dalai Lama arrived in Warsaw for His FOURTH Visit to Poland.

Jul 27th 2009,  His Holiness the Great 14th Dalai Lama blessed and opened the TRADITIONAL TIBETAN HERBAL HEALTH CLINIC at the invitation of Dr Ven TENZIN JANGCHUB, a former student of the Dharamsala- based TIBETAN MEDICAL AND ASTROLOGICAL INSTITUTE.


After His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s blessing and opening speech, a conference on the ATTITUDE TOWARD PATIENTS IN TIBETAN  AND EUROPEAN TRADITIONS took place, attended by some prominent medical figures, including Mr Pawel Trzcinski, the President of the Polish Society of Health Communication and Dr. Radziwill, the President of the European Chamber of Doctors.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama encourages both Tibetan and European traditions to investigate the science behind the power of compassion and it’s broad potential to address the world’s fundamental problems.


Genuine compassion is based not on our projections and expectations, but rather on rights of the others, irrespective of whether another person is a close friend or an enemy. As long as that person wishes for health, happiness and peace and wishes to overcome suffering, then on that basis we develop a genuine concern for  his or her inner peace, happiness and health problems. If you want others to be healthy, happy and peaceful: PRACTICE COMPASSION.  If you want to have inner strength: PRACTICE COMPASSION. If you want to be a good medical practitioners and if you want to help your patients: PRACTICE COMPASSION.

His Holiness’ advice to both the Tibetan and European traditions is to always have an altruistic mind with a human touch to cure patients more effectively.

This is a core theme of His teachings and a cornerstone of His immense popularity. The Traditional Tibetan Medical System plays a key role in fulfilling the scientific promise of TIBETAN MEDICINE, which succeeds in helping many people the world over.

Also, according to the Traditional Tibetan Medical System, all suffering and illness is viewed as an imbalance, not simply with the physical body, but also within the mental and emotional realm. The Traditional Tibetan Medical System employs methods for restoring and maintaining balance in people’s lives through proper diet, behavior, medicine and therapy. Additionally, we are guided by a GPS of our mind and emotions, understanding how the system of emotions work. The basic system is continually enhanced with the practical findings of experienced Tibetan Physicians, having been using this system for more than a thousand years.

It is the Institute’s hope that Tibetan medical methods of diagnosis and treating health problems will bring  benefits that contribute to the material interests of the world.

Without the blessing and moral guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, it would not be possible to arrange everything to the highest European standard.  All requirements, legal and otherwise, are strictly adhered to.

Additionally, every professional needs good luck, moral principle, intelligent-thinking, education, integrity, warmheartedness, compassion, kindness and protection.

The foundation of the  INSTITUTE OF TRADITIONAL TIBETAN MEDICINE CO LTD  is thriving on the blessing of His Holiness The Dalai Lama, who opened our Institute to directly benefit those who need this system for help.

As we understand it, professional Tibetan Medicine brings hope to those who need and seek help. It inspires people worldwide to choose a new path in life, introducing them to a healthy and spiritually-fulfilled lifestyle. Practicing Tibetan Medicine while staying faithful to our mission and the inspirational ideas of His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet is, and will always remain, our highest goal.

Traditional Tibetan Medical System is deeply rooted in respect for each other’s fundamental needs and an acceptance of natural limitations within the environment.  This kind of responsible attitude is essential to the practice of Tibetan Medicine.

Tibetan Medicine is a critical tool for advancing our understanding of the mind and emotions while reducing human suffering and enhancing well being.



It is with respect and gratitude towards my Mentors that I accept the title of Doctor of Medicine conferred upon me, and being fully aware of the duties related to it, I do swear:

– to serve the life and health of fellow human beings;

– according to my best knowledge, to alleviate suffering, prevent diseases and bring help to patients irrespective of their race, religion, nationality, political views, property status etc., keeping their welfare as my sole objective and showing them due respect;

– not to abuse their trust and to preserve confidentiality even after the death of the patient;

– to continually increase my medical knowledge and to bring to the attention of the medical profession everything that I manage to invent or develop.



The rules of medical ethics are derived from universal ethical norms.

These rules bind a physician to observe human rights and to protect the dignity of the medical profession.

A physician is called upon to protect human life and health, to prevent diseases, to treat the sick and to relieve suffering; a physician must not use medical knowledge and skills in actions, which are contrary to this calling.

The greatest ethical imperative for a physician is the welfare of the patient.

Market mechanisms, social pressures and administrative requirements do not relieve physician from the duty to observe this rule.

A physician should approach patients with kindness, sensitivity and respecting their personal dignity, right to intimacy and privacy.

The relationship between a patient and a physician should rest on mutual trust; hence the patient should have the right to choose his or her physician.

A physician should make all effort to ensure the patient receives humane and dignified terminal care around the time of death. A physician should strive to alleviate the suffering of terminally ill patients to the very end and – if possible -to maintain the quality of their ending life.

A physician must not perform euthanasia, nor assist a patient in committing suicide.

A physician should treat the process of the transmission of human life with the highest responsibility.

When undertaking medical management of a pregnant woman, the physician is accountable also for the health and life of the child. Therefore, it is the duty of the physician to make all effort to maintain the health and life of the child also before it is born.

A physician must not participate in human cloning procedures for reproductive or therapeutical purposes.

It is the duty of all physicians to continually update and increase their professional knowledge and skills as well as to share these with his or her co-workers.

Physician builds his or her professional opinion only on the results of his or her work; therefore all self-advertising is forbidden.

A physician should not give consent to have his or her name or image used for commercial purposes.

A physician must not refuse medical assistance in situations where the patient cannot receive emergency assistance from the institutions established to provide it.

A physician has the duty to bring to the attention of society, authorities, and individual patients the significance of the health protection and the environmental hazards. A physician must not promote unhealthy attitudes, also outside of professional work.


Former Student and Graduate from the Tibetan Medical and Astrological Institute, Tibetan Medicine physician, Venerable Tenzin Jangchub would like to address a few words of gratitude to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet and to the Polish Government for their guidance and assistance.

“With blessings, moral direction, guidance, support and teachings from my root teacher, His Holiness, it has been possible for me to undertake this long journey from the headquarters of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala — where I completed my Tibetan medical studies at the Tibetan Medical and Astrological Institute and then practiced with Dr. Yeshi Dhonden, a former personal physician to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, in his clinic — to Poland, at the request of my friends and patients, and work for the welfare and benefit of my Polish brothers and sisters through the traditional Tibetan medical system.

My journey from Tibet to Poland fifteen years ago and my stay and service here in Poland have proven to be the right decision. I am very happy and honoured to be here in Poland. These ten years of hard and difficult work among the Polish people have been challenging, yet joyful and successful, and I have developed a sincere appreciation for Polish history and the strength of will and character of the Polish people. I keep this awareness in my mind and understand now more than ever that Warsaw is a unique place for dialogue between cultures and religions. It is also a place for dialogue of human rights and peace. I have developed a sincere respect for Poland and for my Polish brothers and sisters.

I am confident that the practice of the traditional Tibetan medical system will serve well the Polish people because internationally we are beginning to appreciate and better understand the linkage between mind, body and vitality. Wellness and balance can be achieved once people are educated about this vital connection. I will continue to dedicate my time, effort and energy to teaching, guiding, providing moral support and compassionate help to my community. It is also my most ardent hope that I will be offered the opportunity to host a forum to integrate Eastern and Western healthcare systems and serve as an advocate and consultant.

Our clinic adheres to the principles of the traditional Tibetan medical system as well as to Polish laws and regulations, and I strongly believe that with the blessing and moral direction of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and with the help from the Polish government, our clinic will maintain the highest standard of services.

I would like to give special thanks to the Polish national and local authorities, the Ministry of Health, The Ministry of Agriculture, The Chief Sanitary Inspector, The Director of the Research Department of the Institute of Medicinal Plants and all people of good will who have supported our activities in the registration of our Traditional Tibetan Herbal Health Clinic Co. Ltd. and the registration of the traditional Tibetan herbal dietary supplements in Poland.

I wouldn’t be able to practice the traditional Tibetan medical system and promote Tibetan culture without the support of the Polish government that granted me Polish citizenship. I’m also very grateful to all my Polish staff, supporters, friends and patients.

When, in 2005, after establishing my company in Poland, I went to Dharamsala, where His Holiness granted me a private audience. He gave me a lot of good advice and upon conclusion, told me: ‘Don’t bring money from Poland to India. Do whatever you can to help the Polish people’. I will do my best to uphold this fundamental advice throughout my life.”


To eliminate not only pain of diseases, but also help in overcoming

the major inner sicknesses of attachment, hatred and delusion,

which emanates from ignorance, the root cause of all suffering.” — Medicine Buddha

“ For as long as space endures, and for as long as living beings remain,

may I too abide to dispel the misery of the World.” — Shanti Deva

O! Avalokiteshvara, Tenzin Gyatso, the source of benefit and bliss,

in the snow land of Tibet, please live until the end of cyclic existence.” — Six million Tibetans


Opening welcome speech by Conference on The Attitude Toward Patients In Tibetan And European Traditions and concludes with en expression of  gratitude to His Holiness Dalai Lama, Dr Radziwill and thanks for all participants. The meeting was successful and closed.


Our deepest gratitude to the Polish government, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Chief Sanitary Inspector and the Director of the Institute of Natural Fibres & Medicinal Plamts for the the support during the registration of the INSTITUTE OF TRADITIONAL TIBETAN MEDICINE CO . LTD  and the Traditional Tibetan Herbal Medicine and the Traditional Herbal Mixture dietary supplements of Tibet in Poland.

The Institute of Traditional Tibetan Medicine has also been granted unlimited permission to establish TIBETAN MEDICINE as a fully-fledged trademark in Poland and across the European Union.


A word of thanks goes as well to all kind-warmhearted people, our patients, friends ans staff members. Their sympathy and genuine support has proven to be both an affirmation and a great encouragement in all of our  activities.


Whatever accomplishments our Institute is able to achieve in the practice of the Traditional Tibetan Medical System is entirely due to the efforts made by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Copyright 2025 | Institute of Traditional Tibetan Medicine Co. Ltd.